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  • By goodmangold
  • November 18, 2024
  • 0 Comment

The boy Kutaro inexplicably falls on the moon, where a full mess reigns: an evil bear dictator, generally-generals (among others-a robotic bull and a weak-minded dog), fattening in the field, and the local population was either shaved into soldiers or hypnotized.

Kutaro loses his head in the first second and, having put on the shoulders of the first sphere, goes to lunar tours with revolutionary activities. And a cunning flying cat, a fairy with a vocabulary of a difficult teenager and an old witch, whose motives do not fully help help him.

The back of the moon

Puppeteer interprets the expression “The whole world – theater” literally, the game tells the story within the framework of the puppet scene with all the ensuing. The screen frames the magnificent curtain, the sunbeam vigorously comments on what is happening, enthusiastic exclamations come from the hall from time to time. Meanwhile, there is such that real puppet theaters can be safely closed on the stage: the levels-decorations are multi-layered in the frame, constantly recalling where you are. The fire is cut out by a cardboard accordion, the moon hangs on the threads, the characters, pacing on the stage, sparkle with uneven seams.

[[Bullet]] wonderful work with light. To simulate something similar in this theater, a separate staff of employees would be needed.

Fair Beauty hits the eyes; Each frame seems to be literally equipped with an artist in the scenery. You can peer into the depths of the scene to infinity – there are thousands of small details from which a magical atmosphere is intertwined: in the kitchen, for example, they thunder plates, spoons sing in chorus, and we take the next mountain of unwashed utensils.

This is probably one of the few games that can be shown to unprepared people, without risking to get a bewildered look in response: an interactive theater, see the same!

Scissors are to blame for everything

Unlike appearance, the game is based on the most ordinary platform mechanics. The hero wields magic scissors like construction beams. To jump over the next hole, you need to cut some piece of decoration-it helps to stay in the air longer and overcome wide pits. Over time, the idea is developed – bombs, a superior and a magic shield appear that are used in puzzles – however, Kutaro will not part with the scissors to the final credits.

[[Bullet]] In puppeteer, theatrical two -dimensionality is often broken: the characters not only jump out to the forefront, but can also fly deep into the scenes. Such techniques in 3D mode look especially great.

The assistant characters who can control the second player are neatly introduced into this simple formula. At first, this is a completely Carroll cat, later – minor fairy. Partners have a simpler task. They welt according to the background, knocking out of knightly costumes, window openings, or, say, kastings of pots magic sparks – an analogue of coins. They also know how to turn their heads to aggressive soldiers (if the first player hesitates) and supply Kutaro with new heads (we remind you from it).

[Bullet]] The game often parodies the mass culture – for example, one of the gloomy stories of Tim Burton will play in this cemetery.

It turns out the sweetest scheme: a person familiar with games performs the usual routine of jumping over the pits and the solution of simple riddles, and the less -fed comrade supports it – flies in level, tickles ancient decorations and, of course, enjoys the entourage and history. A similar cooperative was Nintendo V Super Mario Galaxy. It's a pity, not full, but to play, say, with a child – just right.

Chizhika ate

The only problem is that you get tired of Puppeteer quickly. Rubing the words of the classic: the perfect play should last no more than is able to withstand the bladder. Puppeteer three times exceeds the permissible norm, instead of two to three hours-all ten. Like not a puppet theater, but an antique tragedy of Aeschylus. The narrative is primarily suffered from a stretched timing, the story sometimes sags, going to a second round: only you defeated one villain, as almost the same falls from the sky. And the whole whistle.

[[Bullet]] In some moments, “Puppeteer” photography resembles Littlebigplanet. Well, both games made Sony, so it has the right!

It was still possible to play a map with polygotism more effectively – not in every game the main character changes the most important part of the body as gloves. Here this moment is almost littered, different forms of heads almost do not affect the passage – they must be used in certain points to include bonus levels. Since you can carry no more than three plywood pumpkins with you, you will never guess which of them will require the next turn, you can go to Puppeteer several times, but not open all hidden content.

There are many more complaints about the game. As a platformer, it is standard to the offensive and from colleagues by genre nothing other than an unusual way of moving, the same simple puzzles and regular falls from the cliff. At the end, it can easily fence for: behind the back of a few kilometers of cut chips, a button responsible for the scissors, is already overwhelmed, and all of us are chased along the scenery cast -up from cardboard.

But in fact, Puppeteer is completely not wanting to scold. There is a piece product in front of us, this is produced once every few years, and, as a rule, in the form of a three -skin indie. Here, obviously expensive, kaleidoscope-bright and beautiful game, whose only minus is in a somewhat stencil approach to mechanics. Well, the dog with him.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



Daring spit towards the same type of reality: the story of the fall of the totalitarian regime, played in the surroundings of the puppet theater.

Mania rating: 8.5


Act is the first


In Puppeteer, a lot of characters who are clearly drawn from senior comrades-and the references hesitate from direct, even directly postmodern borrowing to a slightly disguised curtsy.

1) The villain Bear / Fat Media ("Three Fat Men", Yuri Olesha)

Strictly speaking, a despotistical bear can be compared with any evil ruler, but he is especially similar to domestic three fat people – the same clumsiness and indefatigable gluttony; No wonder the scene from the game with royal cuisine can serve as an interactive illustration for the novel. And, by the way, there was also a doll.

2) Cat Yin-Yan / Cheshire Cat ("Alice in Wonderland", Lewis Carroll)

Well, everything is obvious here-a mysterious, either-or-one-or-foam, sparkling with a mustache character. Shows his contented face rarely and only then, in order to dictate invented aphorism (the game cat in this regard even distiliates the book) and disappear, leaving Fleur in the air of mysterious understatement.

3) Old witch / Yubaba ("Safeed by Ghosts", Hayao Miyazaki)

In addition to a strong external resemblance, two witches are close and character: a gross, even villainous manner of staying with strangers, the constant persecution of personal, often mercenary, motives. However, a good nature hides behind an unattractive shell – you just have to choose the key.

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